In this lecture we talk about why a solid foundation of anatomy is so important as a teacher and practitioner. We will also review some of the basic language of anatomy and kinesiology, including joint actions of the major joints in the body, planes of motion, and more, setting the foundation for what’s to come.


The practice that ties it all together. We will move and breathe through a simple, yet dynamic flow that incorporates every action of each major joint in the body, and more. Your breath awareness and your presence are your biggest allies. Let’s flow and glow!


In this lecture we will anatomically review the lower body from the waist down, beginning with the glutes. Taking a thorough look at all of the ways in which muscles and joints move throughout the common yoga asana practice. Highlighting key concepts of biomechanics, and practical ways of thinking about, and seeing movement.


In this lecture we will cover a variety of useful tips to help bring more awareness to verbal cueing, what you say, how you say it.

Masterclass 3 What Those Hips Do

A playful exploration of hip mobility and core stabilization that builds toward the front splits (Hanumanasana), as well as lotus pose (padmasana).

Masterclass 5 Hands Are for Standing Too

A powerful-yet-playful exploration of strength building in the shoulders, arms, hands and core that aims to help you feel confident in approaching a variety of arm balances.