Y45 Yin and Tonic

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.Y45 Yin and Tonic.
Y45 Yin and Tonic
Led by: Travis Eliot
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
45 Mins
All Levels
Yin Yoga
45 Minutes
Travis Eliot

Yin yoga is like exploring the caverns inside of a mountain whereas power yoga is like climbing to the top of the mountain. In order to understand something in its totality, you must explore both the external and the internal. In this yin practice, you will explore the inner connective tissues and also move deep under the surface of the mind where we find everlasting tranquility and serenity.

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Monica Figueroa
te amo, travis.
Nancy van Unen
I did this with my boyfriend, he's a soccer player and his hips are not very flexible at all. However, we did have a great time and most of the poses were doable thanks to Travis's array of modifications. Best regards from Germany
Suzi Joseph
This practice was the best EVER! You really opened my mind, body and deeply into my heart ❤️ Thank you so much for your teachings, words and your wisdom 💚💚💚
Courtney Madise
This is one of my first yin yoga practices ever. I was looking for a restorative practice to balance my body and I feel very centered after participating. I am looking forward to other practices and repeating this one. The poses are more accessible than the other 2 yin practices that I tried, so I was able to hold all of these poses properly for the full duration. My heart rate slowed and I was able to fully immerse in the practice. I'm grateful for it. Thank you!